Archive for January, 2010

January 14, 2010

Today I started a new project, working with the interns.I feel like Christina and Mer from Greys Anatomy, except I won’t be mean to them. It’s great.

My heart goes out to those suffering in Haiti. it really is so difficult to imagine having NOTHING and NO ONE and not knowing how or when that will change. Inna lillah hi wa inna illahi raji oon. We belong to Allah and Him we return.

My heart goes out to those suffering all around the world be blessed with patients as the darkest hours are just before the dawn…if this is not a sign for us then what else is? And really this is just 1% ONLY 1% of  His mercy…

January 13, 2010

So how does one go about blogging. The web has been around for a while now, why has it taken so long for me to throw myself into this? I keep a personal journal which only I read, but why not write something for everyone else to read. Who knows, someone may even find this interesting or better still,  inspiring.

Although the title of my blog is from a passage of  the  Islāmic book, the focus of my blog isn’t strictly religious. As one of many single British muslim expats women living in the Gulf  I hope to share my day-to-day experiences. From my exciting newsroom job to the  interesting people I meet out and about. Everything we go through in life shapes our character, our manners and how we treat other people. 

I’m loving blogging already…but will leave it here for the time being.
